One of the pages that most of my clients don’t even consider or request is an opt-in page. They remember the homepage, contact page + the about page. But it’s rare for someone to ask me to set up a page with the sole purpose of getting folks added to their newsletter.
Which is interesting, because it seems the entire internet is buzzing with articles, courses + videos about “how to grow your list” or something similar.
Having a dedicated opt-in page is a surefire way to help your list grow because you are stripping away the distractions + giving your audience a crystal clear CTA (call to action). Plus, it’s so easy to set up — it’d be silly not to give this strategy a try.
Setting up your opt-in page
To get your opt-in page created, you’ll really only need two things — a name for it + your opt-in code.
Head to Pages > Add New + create your new page. Name options are newsletter, join, subscribe or the name of your newsletter. (For example, mine is nerd alert.)
In the content area of your page, you’ll add your opt-in code. If you’re not sure how to do that, fear not because I have a post all about the best ways to embed opt-in code AND how to get the code from 3 popular email services.
If you’re interested in going above + beyond, like the extra credit fan you are –
- Add a video introducing yourself + your emails
- Share a sample or graphic showing your opt-in freebie
- Use a page template that removes the site header, sidebar + footer
- Give them a way to easily share the page with their friends + followers
- Add in social proof in the form of testimonials or as seen on logos
How to use your opt-in page successfully
Now that you’re armed with a URL to a sign-up form for your emails, how the heck do you take advantage of this resource?
Link to it from social media. Why not put this URL in your social media profiles so that folks who realize they are into you can quickly sign up to get content directly from you?
Use it for guest posts. Of course, this depends on what the rules are, but if you are allowed to share a URL with your guest post content, sharing this URL will put new visitors right in front of your opt-in form.
Add it to your business cards. This one is a great idea for bloggers or businesses that are based entirely around their email list. Since I offer one-on-one services, linking to my homepage makes more sense for tiny blue orange.
Opt-in page inspiration
Looking for some inspiration before you dig into making your opt-in page? I’ve got you, girl!
Paul Jarvis — Of course I’d be inspired by one of my favorite WordPress developers (he does more than coding). His newsletter page is pretty short + sweet, but includes an email from his archives, which is a great idea for adding extra but relevant content.
Alexandra Franzen — Not only isAlex’ss newsletter one of the only ones I look forward to getting, her newsletter page is a great source of inspiration. She has an image of her, details about what to expect + quotes from some of the 13,000 people that get her emails. (And yes, sharing that number is a form of social proof.)
Elle & Co — The team at Elle & Company have their subscribe link in the footer, but you don’t have to have your page as a part of your navigation if you don’t want. I love how they used quotes from readers, sites they’ve been featured on, text about what to expect + a note that you’ll get the most recent action step regardless of what day of the week you sign up.
tiny blue orange — wanna see what I ended up with on my opt-in page? you’ll notice I showcase the most recent blog post. This is soIi can use my newsletter page link on Instagram without needing to change the link in my bio to reference my most recent content.
Now that you’ve browsed some examples + have the exact steps needed, set up your own opt-in page + see how it converts for you. One way to do that is to make sure you look at your google analytics for the page.
Or you can get fancy + add a tag or segment to the form on your opt-in page that is specific to the page. When you review new subscribers, you’ll be able to see how many used your opt-in page form vs any other form you have on your site.