Create a site contact form that works

No matter what services you provide, the odds of you needing a contact form on your site are pretty high. I personally use + recommend Gravity Forms as a plugin on WordPress sites, but let’s dive into what makes a good contact form. And more importantly, how to create a site contact form that works […]

How to test your new site before launching

This isn’t an extensive list, but it will get you from having a new + pretty website to having confidence in your new + pretty website. Different browsers The first way to ensure that your site will be a great experience for everyone that visits is by looking at it in different browsers. There are […]

6 Things your developer wants to know

Who makes up your audience While your designer is more likely to care heaps about who is using the site, your WordPress developer can take this information to a more technical side of building a site. For example, if your audience is primarily 20-somethings, they will use a different browser than an audience of folks […]

How to secure your domain

Buying a domain can be stressful. You could spend hours coming up with the perfect name… to learn that it’s not available. (Along with the .co, .biz, .net, etc.) Odds are you aren’t considering how to secure your domain too. I’m guessing that once you find a domain that you dig, you purchase it without […]

How to use FTP

Let’s start at the beginning. FTP stands for file transfer protocol + is a way of transferring files between servers or computers. More + more hosting companies are using SFTP which stands for secure file transfer protocol + you know how much I love security. You may have used the file manager tool in your […]

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