One of the pages that most of my clients don’t even consider or request is an opt-in page. They remember the homepage, contact page + the about page. But it’s rare for someone to ask me to set up a page with the sole purpose of getting folks added to their newsletter. Which is interesting, […]
building a website
go beyond WordPress + dive into strategy for online marketers + business owners
Don’t forget these 3 essential form details
Form types Search form The most simple form that many sites have is a search form. Whether it’s in your sidebar or only on your 404 page, this form typically has a single text field (known as an input) + a submit button. The function it performs is far from simple, but thankfully we don’t […]
Changing your WordPress domain
Note: not every host is the same, so these steps might not match your hosting requirements. These steps work for most budget-friendly hosting companies like GoDaddy, HostGator + Bluehost. If you’re unsure about any of these steps, chat with your hosting company before making changes. Changing your website URL or domain name can seem a […]
Nerd alert: creating a client intake process
What happens when someone is interested in your services? Do you get a Facebook message in your “other” folder or an email sent to your already hectic inbox? Is it then your responsibility to respond with instructions to fill out an attached PDF? When starting out, so many business owners rack up a high email […]
3 things you must secure before your next launch
Even though you may feel like your launch task list simply cannot hold one more thing, you must make room for securing these 3 areas of your next launch. The good news is that they are quick tasks + will often fit into existing to do items that you already need to accomplish. Your customers’ […]
Don’t skip these pages during your next product launch
But if you are tackling your launch on your own, I want to make sure you add these 3 pages to your master list + take care of them when you have time to. not minutes before your cart opens + you are feeling more frazzled than you have in your whole life. Privacy policy […]