How your attitude can benefit your brand recognition

Maybe it sounds obvious + of course we’ve already covered my golden rule of business, but until I watched how my friend was treated compared to other athletes, I didn’t realize just how much of an impact attitude truly has, especially for solopreneurs or folks who are the brand themselves. What is CrossFit, even? I […]

Due dates + deadlines

Project launch deadlines are bullshit…the majority of the time. Updating your website before a large industry event, or making sure your shop is prepped in time for the holiday season – not bullshit. Demanding that you launch on a particular Tuesday because you like the date number + don’t have any appointments that day – […]

Nerd alert: daily WordPress tips on Instagram

Have you seen those #100dayproject challenges on Instagram where you participate by doing a similar task/project every day for 100 days straight? I’ve always wanted to join in on one, but never had an idea or wasn’t digging the timing. When the latest round rolled up (starting April 19th), I decided the timing wouldn’t be […]

Where I work

It should be no surprise that my office is riddled with blue + orange items. From my blue Herman Miller chair to my orange IKEA storage boxes, my brand colors are a core feature of the office. But it’s not just about the colors — shocking, I know. I rely on my carefully curated tech […]

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