Should you switch WordPress hosting companies?

A client reached out to tiny blue orange for some help with the layout of their site. After talking, we quickly realized there was a much bigger issue to solve first — their hosting drama. It was clearly time for them to switch WordPress hosting companies + you might be wondering if it’s time for […]

Common Search Console errors

Once your WordPress site is connected to Search Console (a free service provided by Google), you’ll get alerts for areas that need to be improved. These common Search Console errors are often easy to remedy — when you know what to do! URL errors within Search Console Since Google will crawl your WordPress site content, […]

WTF… what is caching?

If you’re digging through the difference between managed hosting + shared hosting + find yourself scratching your head asking what is caching, let’s tackle that nerdy term right now. The verb cache means store for future use, which is the perfect way to think about caching your site. When you use caching for WordPress, you […]

What is managed WordPress hosting vs shared hosting?

While there are dozens + dozens of hosting companies in the world, there are a limited number of hosting types. When focusing on WordPress websites, I like to compare the two most popular — shared + managed WordPress hosting. If you’re not into nerdy things, hosting can feel like discussing insurance options (boring) but it’s […]

Does your site load fast enough?

It’d be easy to throw in a few jokes about size, but the reality is that site speed does matter, no matter what anyone tells you. ? Not a week goes by that I don’t have a website owner asking me “is my site fast enough?” As popular as mindfulness is, attention spans are not […]

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