Is your website loading fast enough?

Know your starting point Before we dig in to getting your site to load faster, we need to know what you’re working with. Head to Pingdom, my favorite free site speed tester, and paste in your URL to start the test. You’ll get loads of data + info, but right now we care about 2 […]

Automatic WordPress site backups

Those that have a backup of their site are leaps ahead of other online entrepreneurs that don’t store a copy of their WordPress site in case of emergency. And anyone who has a calendar or to do list reminder to run a fresh update every month or so is even further ahead. The business owner […]

Run plugin updates without taking down your site

Outdated plugins leave you vulnerable While there are plugin updates that exist purely to add new features + functionality to a plugin, there are just as many that fix security issues. Which is why plugin updates are crucial to take care of as an online business owner. If your site has a staging version, follow […]

Pros + cons of automatic WordPress updates

Automatic background updates have been introduced in WordPress 3.7. Since this moment it is possible to receive minor + security updates automatically because this feature is enabled by default. Additionally, managed hosting providers have their own update policy, updating websites themselves if you don’t do it yourself within days from the release of a new […]

Your site speed matters

Slow + steady wins the race works for a number of things in the online world, but not your website. It’s a fact that users have painfully short attention spans + are more likely to leave a slow loading website than wait around for it. As much as I’d love to focus on other things, […]

Spring clean your WordPress site

As hard as we may try to keep our sites free of clutter, shit happens. You might try out a few plugins for social sharing + forget to remove the extras. Or perhaps you are giving a new theme a try but it didn’t make the cut. It’s always a good idea to spring clean […]

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