Create a unique image for Facebook

When you — or someone that reads your content — share a link to your site on social media, your Featured Image is the default image pulled as the preview. For some, that’s perfect. However, there are times that you’d want a different layout or graphic for social media compared to the image displays directly […]

How to install Yoast SEO on your WordPress site

Before you can make the most of this free plugin, you need to install the Yoast SEO plugin + activate it on your WordPress site. If it’s listed in your active plugins, skip to the essential settings which is one paragraph away. If you don’t have it installed, let’s spend 5 minutes fixing that. Pop […]

WordPress plugins to use but not keep

It seems like many bloggers + business owners treat WordPress plugins like they are collectibles. However, this is one instance where “more is better” doesn’t work. That’s because plugins can add some really awesome functionality to your website. While at the same time add more work to your plate — by requiring on-going maintenance, testing […]

WTF is a plugin?

Much like widgets, the term “plugin” is not specific to WordPress. Outside of my favorite blogging platform, plugins are defined as “a small piece of software that supplements a larger program” + I think that definition will help break down what exactly a WordPress plugin is. WordPress Plugins According to, “plugins are PHP scripts […]

Plugins that will speed up your website

Having a fast WordPress website is really important. Not only do users have terribly short attention spans, but when dealing with weak WiFi signals or limited cell data, users want to get the content they are hoping for, quickly. There are a lot of things you can do to speed up your website but let’s […]

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