Money, honey
No matter what you do, one of the reasons for being a business owner is to make money. It’s likely not the only reason, or even the most important, but we can all agree that we want our businesses to be financially beneficial to us. And there are 2 valuable financial reasons that you should pay attention to website security.
Protecting your investment
Take a few seconds to estimate how many hours you’ve invested into building, styling, writing, improving + upgrading your website. Then take that number + multiply it by the hourly rate you charge clients.
If you guessed 30 hours of your time + charge $75 an hour, that’s $2,250. That value doesn’t include any costs you’ve had relating to themes, plugins, design work, etc. With those pieces added in, you are likely looking at a $3,000+ business asset that should be protected.
By securing your website, you are putting some insurance on your hefty business investment. Look at you being a wicked smart CEO!
Avoiding large + unexpected expenses
For anyone that has dealt with a damaged site, they know that it isn’t cheap. Not only do you need to rebuild your site, ecourse, etc, but you lose money for each day that your site is down since your fans + clients can’t find you while you are scrambling to put up a page with the essentials after learning your site was wiped off of the world wide web thanks to some anonymous hacker.
I don’t know about you, but I would be pretty upset by a multiple thousand dollar business expense out of the blue if my unprotected site were hacked.
Caring for your clients
Customer service is king. Which means that customer experience is important as well.
Let’s say you visited your favorite online store + bought a few dresses to rock this summer. Later that day, you noticed something funky happening with your computer. A few days later, you can’t even use the thing, so you take it to get fixed only to learn that it has a virus. After getting it running smoothly + home to use, you receive a general email from that online store apologizing to all of their customers. Turns out their site was pretty on the outside, but contained a bit of code that installed a virus on anyone’s computer that purchased products, including you.
Would you shop at that store again or would they have lost your trust + your future business?
For me, customers are my world. Even with a waitlist, I will always do what I can for my readers, clients + fans because without them, tiny blue orange is a hobby, not a business. And I know you feel the same way I do.
But by not taking security seriously, you are putting your future + current clients in harm’s way, which is the fast track to losing their trust.
Improve your site’s security without paying a single penny
Ready to protect yourself, your business + your clients? Excellent! You can start by taking the tiny brute orange security quiz right now! It is completely free to take + view your results, no email address required.
Once you answer the less than 25 questions, you’ll not only get your security score, you’ll get complimentary resources to help fix your specific weak areas.