If you hop onto tinyblueorange.com on the wayback machine, you’ll get a peek at my ever changing hair colors. For awhile, I even claimed I’d never have orange + blue hair at the same time but…things change. As they should! Matching Your Brand While I don’t think everyone needs their life to match their brand […]
our business
if you want to peek behind the peel of tiny blue orange – check out these posts
Going All In
All in for Coaching Last week I had the absolute pleasure of coaching one of my athletes at the CrossFit Games. (Did you know that in order to take a break from staring at screens all day, I coach strength + conditioning 2 days a week?) This event is kinda like the Olympics of CrossFit. […]
Lauching Websites, Launching Puppies
If you remember last month’s blog, I introduced Tab, Surge + Fresca. I’m happy to say, Surge and Fresca have found their forever homes. Sweet Tab would love to find his too…pic below! Of course, even with two of my own dogs + Tab, the house seems pretty empty, but so is the washing machine […]
Abundance Over Scarcity
Have you heard of an abundance mindset? It’s this idea where you believe there is more than enough time + resources in the world for you. This can apply to life, to your job, to your family or to foster puppies…+ the hope is this mindset could permeate all of those areas. I have a […]
Anti-hustle Culture
If you’ve been following my social media for any amount of time, or if you just know me, you know how anti-hustle culture I am. However, owning my own business + working from home makes it tricky sometimes to stop working + relax, go for a run, spend time with the pups or my husband […]
Social Media vs Reality
Earlier this week I hopped on the social media trend of sharing some parts of my reality that I struggle with because, as we all know, social media is a highlight reel + can often leave us feeling like we’re not keeping up. On that note, if you’ve been around here for any amount of […]